Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Collection Product Guide
Advanced Report Builder Help

The Report Builder functionality provides extensive capabilities for report creation with the use of Microsoft Reporting Services Report Builder. Using Report Builder allows the system administrator the ability to modify the appearance of results from Temenos Infinity's basic report functionality. This provides institutions with the transparency and visibility to present a visually appealing snapshot of data that supports and emphasizes key data points. Other capabilities include:

Prior to using the Report Designer functionality, review the Reports section in the System Administrator guide to get a basic understanding of the Report feature. The report builder can be used in variety ways, such as:

The Report Builder can be launched from the Report Window by selecting .

Report Builder Navigation

When the report builder is launched, the design surface displays. The design surface is used to view and manipulate the layout of the report and is broken out into four main sections.

The following table provides an overview of each section of the design surface:

Design Surface Section Description
1 - Report Data Displays information about what fields are being used and the connection to the data source.
2 - Home/Insert/View tabs Provides the ability to format text, insert other design parts, or change which parts of the Design Surface are displayed.
3 - Design Surface Area Provides the ability to set up reports.
4 - Properties Provides the ability to modify parts of a table such as spacing, borders, or background colors.

Reference the following list for an overview of tips to consider when creating a parameter in the Report Builder:

  • Avoid having both an underscore and last character in the Name.
  • For vendor reports, the Vendor Id parameter Name and Prompt must be "VendorId." 

Report Builder – Getting Totals

Locate the report in the Report listing page that is used with the Report Builder and click Design.

The selected Report displays in the Design Surface. The report fields and criteria are already set, and the layout displayed can be deleted and a new table can be inserted. 

To delete the layout of the report:

 At the top of the Report Builder there are three tabs:

To add a new layout:

Click Run to view the results. Adjust the column headers using the Design tab to display the column and field results in the correct format (currency).

Click Run to view the updated results.

The Report Builder – Expandable Groups

Expandable groups allow users to expand groups to view more information contained therein.

Do not make any changes in the Values box with regards to Sum, Count, etc.

Table formatting can be modified in the Design tab.

To modify the report to display subtotals follow the below steps for the desired fields:

The Report Builder – Creating a Chart



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